25 Color Tattoos On Dark Skin to Have in 2021
It is convenient to lean on to the monochrome, black and white tattoos. They are foolproof and present a charismatic look almost all the time. Still, from time to time, they may lack creativity and seem boring for many. Especially for the artistic and joyful souls, color tattoos constitute a greater alternative. If you have […]
27 Small Finger Tattoos for Minimalists in 2021
Every single part of the body is suitable for tattoo making. However, some parts provide a larger space for bulkier tattoos, while others are more gentle with smaller areas. Small finger tattoos come forefront when it comes to the latter, as the fingers allow tiny tattoos a safe and yet aesthetic home. In spite of […]
30 Harry Potter Tattoos for Hogwarts Lovers
Harry Potter is a fantasy series that has become a classic all over the world. Spells, flying brooms, talking flowers, a golden winged ball… What a wonderful world! On the other hand, we should not forget all the bad things and “don’t need a name”. If you’re a Harry fan, why not get Harry Potter […]
25 Small Disney Tattoos for Everyone in 2021
Generation X witnessed its uprising, Generation Y has grown up through its glory, and Generation Z has just started to realize how amazing it is. Yes, we are talking no other than Disney, a company that we all hate to love this much. Regardless of its company ethics, it is a fact that Disney has […]
24 Black Cat Tattoos Perfect to Have in 2021
Are you a cat person or a dog person? An absurd question, for sure. Still, regardless, it shows the importance of these two beautiful beings for us, the humans, and explains why they have a major place in our art, including tattoos. As both of these animals deserve their own tattoo article, today we will […]
26 Cheshire Cat Tattoos for Wonderland in 2021
When Lewis Carroll wrote his book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland back in 1865, he did not realize the contribution he has made to popular culture. The book turned into a sensation for the young readers. It was also praised for its depiction of mental illness while encouraging creative thinking. Today, we can see its impact […]
25 Behind the Ear Tattoos for You to Have in 2021
The idea of having a face tattoo might be intimidating for many. Thus, people usually gravitate towards more hidden spots, such as the delicate area behind the ears, for their first tattoo. Behind the ear tattoos are cool, mysterious and attractive, making them a hit among the tattoo enthusiasts. Whether it is a cross tattoo […]
25 New School Tattoos for Everyone in 2021
Tattoo world has been improving and transforming as an art from since the day it was initially born centuries ago. However, one of the turns that the art form took back in 1970s shaped the future of the craft for forever. New school tattoos are bold, graphic and more eye-catching than any other tattoo style. […]
27 Small Friendship Tattoos for BFFs in 2021
Among all the human interactions, friendships stand out as the ones that we get to choose ourselves and put an effort into it to make sure it lasts. Thus, our friends are quite valuable to most of us. As we get older, their value rises even more since building bonds with people gets harder and […]
24 Small Skull Tattoos Perfect in 2021
Skull tattoo ideas have always been around since sailor tattoos started to emerge as a tattoo genre in itself. In fact, it would not be wrong to claim that skull tattoos are now a classic within the tattoo world, perfectly fitting in the modern face of the art form as well. Small skull tattoos, however, […]