The anime world is a bizarre one where two-dimensional characters somehow manage to become more real than the real people. It sounds weird, I know it. And yet, as weird as it is, the anime world provides an amazing alternative to our boring world since, in animes, you get to push the limits of your imagination. This freedom that is attached to the animes makes them unique and exciting, attracting millions of fans worldwide. If you are an anime fan, there is a high chance you are a small anime tattoos fan as well.
Small anime tattoos are some of the perfect ways to reflect your fandom into an art form in a permanent way. There are thousands of animes out there from dozens of genres that provide you with countless options to have as a tattoo. You can choose characters, symbols, or even quotes from animes that inspire you and tattoo them on any part of your body as a memoir.
In this article, we will explore animes through 24 small anime tattoos that are best for anime fans in 2021. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!
1) Sukuna is creepy
Despite being a recent one, Jujutsu Kaisen is already a classic.
2) Haikyuu as small anime tattoos

Look how adorable they are! Who wouldn’t love Haikyuu?
3) Eren: Villian or Hero?

Attack on Titan is too much to handle for naive souls.
4) Levi Ackerman is an idol

He is our short king.
5) Sailormoon small anime tattoos

Eyes alone say: In the name of the moon, I’ll punish you!